Children's Matters

The Family Business section within the Civil Division deals with all matters relating to children, including Orders such as Contact and Residence Orders, parental responsibility agreements and child welfare.

It also hears other proceedings under the Children & Young Persons Act 2001.

This section of the website will provide you with information about proceedings regarding children through the children FAQ's, information on adoption, including information on the process of adopting a child, and matters arising from divorce or seperation concerning any children.

Divorce, dissolution of civil partnerships or separation is a difficult time for all concerned and children can become very involved emotionally in what's happening. However, there are a number of ways you can help make the process as painless as possible for your children. The Action For Children website provides information for both parents and children to make the whole process as easy and understandable as possible.

Disputes concerning children

Social Media guidelines for those involved in childrens cases.

See also: Notes to assist self-represented parties in disputes concerning children.

Care Proceedings

Applications for an Order under Part 4 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2001.

Form CAP1 is for use solely by the Department of Social Care in their provision of Care Orders and Supervision Orders with respect to a child.
Page last updated on 19 August 2022