Licensing Courts

Any application to the Licensing Court will be subject to the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Regulations 2022

See also: General Guidance for Licensees page.

For time limits for filing any Licence Application, please refer to the Liquor Licensing and Public Entertainments Regulations 2022, time limits checklist.                 


Licensing Courts Dates for 2024

  • Thursday January 11th
  • Thursday February 8th
  • Thursday March 14th
  • Thursday April 11th
  • Thursday May 9th
  • Thursday June 13th
  • Thursday July 11th
  • Thursday August 8th
  • Thursday September 12th
  • Thursday October 10th
  • Thursday November 14th
  • Thursday December 12th


NB These dates may change throughout the year and interested persons should check prior to making an application to ensure the correct date is identified.


Monthly Licensing Courts

The Licensing Court is chaired by the High Bailiff accompanied by up to four magistrates. The court usually sits on the second Thursday of each month in a public court.

The Licensing Court deals with applications for:

  • On-licences (and any variation of)

  • Off-licences

  • Manx Transport Licences
  • Public Entertainments Licences

  • Club Licences 

  • Special Event Liquor Licences

  • Occasional Public Entertainments Event Licences

  • Cinematograph

  • weekly club and charity functions.

After receiving the application, the court grants the licences either at court, or in some instances, licences can be issued administratively in private chambers.

All Licensing Court Applications (together with all relevant supporting documentation) must be submitted to the court, in duplicate, together with the relevant fee. Failure to do so will result in your application being returned.


Page last updated on 19 July 2024